Speech & Drama
a unique synergetic and fun way to learn the art of communication
To ensure each student, is given individual attention class sizes are limited to 12 students. Professional evaluation of progress and examinations are conducted and certified by the Irish Board of Speech and Drama.
What can Speech & Drama Class do for your children?
Speech, Drama & Communication activities such as drama games, exercises in movement and mime, movement to music, verse and prose speaking, improvisation and creative drama, public speaking, puppetry, action poems, poetry speaking, choral verse speaking, scripted drama, solo’s, duologues, and short plays, help to develop critical skills such as…
- Working co-operatively with others
- The ability to use clear diction and vocal projection
- non-verbal communication
- Listening, speaking, concentrating and observing.
- Creative and Imaginative thinking
- Enhancing self-expression, self-confidence and self-esteem
- Using movement and gesture to communicate emotion, character and context
- Creating and sustaining fictional roles
- Interacting with others in a fictional setting
- Presentation and public speaking
- Improvisation and role-playing
- Reflecting on and appreciating literature and drama
- We encourage all students to participate in Public Speaking and Presentation Examinations (from 5th Class). The emphasis on oral communication in the new Junior Cycle for 2nd level students, classroom-based assessment (CBA’s), has given this element of our classes a whole new meaning. We can now prepare for The Irish Board of Speech & Drama Public Speaking and Presentation Examinations whilst simultaneously prepare for the various CBA’s as both curriculum’s complement each other. These exams normally take place in early January.Before Easter each year we hold our annual Grade Examinations for our school of Speech & Drama. Together with our examining board we encourage a process of progressive learning from an early age, with each grade signifying an increase in skills in effective communication, and achievements, which will be so valuable to their primary, secondary, university and work life.